The financial and operational impact of corrosion is significant to the utility sector.
Water and Wastewater Treatment plants:
Decades after enclosed digester tanks became the norm for UK wastewater treatment facilities, a previously undetected hazard is beginning to emerge - highly corrosive sulphuric acid.
Sulphuric acid has been responsible for causing significant damage to enamel coated steel modular tanks. If left untreated it will dramatically shorten the life expectancy of digester tanks throughout the UK. and can cause tank leakage, devastating asset failure and contamination.
National Transmission System: (NTS)
In the UK, National Grid owns and operates the NTS which carries gas around 7600km network of pipelines at varying rates of pressures. Many of these pipelines now requires substantial maintenance and replacement due to corrosion. Corrosion of steel pipes is one of the most serious challenges affectnig the performance of the transmission pipeline network systems.
Specialist Coating are the right partner supplying innovative solutions and superior coating protection services tailored to the needs of the Utilities Sector.
Our solutions for Utilities.
Advanced Anti-Corrosion Coating provides innovative and superior corrosion protection solutions to many of the problems faced by the utilities sector. Our durable high-performance coating can extend the service life of assets in the sector for years to come.
Surface preparation services can be tailored to your requirements. We can advise on the most appropriate surface preparation package for your specific project.